Arbeiterbund für den Wiederaufbau der KPD

Free Trade Agreements or How Wars are made

Zu den brennenden Fragen der Arbeiterbewegung (11)

inkl. MwSt. 7 %
zzgl. Versandkosten: 2,55 
Broschüre 24 Seiten 2015 DIN A5 34 g 978-3-922431-91-6

Worldwide foreign investment has tripled since 2000. Since 1990, it has increased by a factor of 12, the total sum of foreign investment was 26.3 trillion US-$. German foreign investment grew by a factor of more than three since 1990. 2013, the total of German direct foreign investment was 1.7 trillion Euros. German imperialism, having the largest number of bilateral agreements, which come up for renewal on average every 10 years, is forced to secure its position by non-governmental power. How else could the “ban on expropriation without compensation” be enforced against other countries? Either by German cannons or, if the capitalist peace is endure for a bit longer, it requires the strongest imperialism, the USA, to take side with Germany. Therefore the German and the US imperialism are forced to impose TTIP. The question whether the Lisbon treaty really provides the means to force it’s member states to ratify TTIP, as is claimed, still requires our investigation. Also the claim, that the 2+4 treaty provides an entitlement to sign this treaty. on all 28 European countries who have signed the Lisbon treaty. This is new in the history of free-trade agreements. 28 countries bow to a German dictate, to secure German agreements with more than 100 countries, to become liable themselves when German imperialism is sued because of a violation of a free-trade agreement. What damage will the ‘free-trade agreement’ TTIP be able to inflict, if it ever gets ratified, if already it’s secret preparation has caused so the strongest disruptions in the history of these agreements?




Artikelnummer: L978149


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